Many years ago we numerically investigated pressure waves using the MacCormack algorithm which worked pretty well for one dimensional problems where the first coordinate is orientated perpendicular to the pressure front. (Have a look to "some remarks" of the article "MacCormack method" in Wikipedia regarding the reversed direction of integration.) But we were massed in terrible numerical problems when adding the second dimension.
Dear Prof. Denaro, Thanks for your hint to an interesting paper on hyperbolic systems with stiff source terms. Unfortunately Google tries to keep us trapped in Google by encrypting the links. The original link is quite short:
One possibility is use operator-splitting (second order Strang splitting) to split the linear- and nonlinear parts Then the linear (convention-diffusion part) can be solved by an implicit method leading to a non-symmetric linear system. The non-part are then a collection of (indepedent) stiff ODE-equations for which there are a wide variety of methods. The critical step is wether the opererator splitting will wil converge properly. This paper may be useful: Article An Analysis of Operator Splitting Techniques in the Stiff Case