I currently have a doctoral researcher examining celebrity endorsement in Thailand. She is using the O'Hanian framework/model (a survey originally developed for western consumers) - 1990 and 1991 - in order to see if this is transferable/robust when used with Thai consumers. In the O'Hanian approach the respondents who were surveyed were told the celebrities/products. In my researchers' study the respondents will self-select the celebrity and an associated product. Interestingly in her literature review she has uncovered a study by Pornpitakapan on Malaysian consumers from 2003 (in Jnl. Marketing Management) which was at some variance with O'Hanian's observations. My researcher's task now is to critically evaluate both sets of work whilst applying O'Hanian framework to Thai consumers
The theoretical framework you may want to use is the meaning transfer model developed by McCracken (1989). Have a look at the attached JSTOR link or type in "Who is the celebrity endorser? Cultural foundations of the endorsement process" in Google Scholar.
Thanks Paurav sir for you invaluable advice. Could you pls email me the paper as the JSTOR didn't work properly at my University for quite some time now. I've just tried from my residence also, but all in vain. Thanks sir.
One way to do this is to set up a before and after or comparable groups control situation. In the before-after situation, you measure what the change if any is in the sales of the product before the endorsement and after it, while noting any other variables that might have an impact in the two time periods as a way to qualify the effect of the endorsement. In the other comparison group case, you look at comparable groups exposed to the celebrity endorsement or not exposed, assuming you can set up such a condition where you can limit the exposure to the non-exposure group. In both cases, you should add interviews with the study participants to check if they noticed the endorsement in advertising or publicity or not, and if those exposed feel they were influenced to make a purchase due to seeing the celebrity endorsement. (Incidentally, for anyone needing help in doing such research, that's one of the things I do).