The temperature at which FC and ZFC (MT curves) separate is called blocking temperature. What exactly does it signify? How can we distinguish between a ferromagnet and antiferromagnet after looking at the MT curves?
Is it possible that FC-ZFC curves follow each other exactly and show no splitting at all?? I made an a thin film on two substrates on one it suffers compressive strain and FC-ZFC curve show huge bifurcation. On the another substrate the film experiences tensile strain and FC-ZFC curve follow each other completely. Is it possible of some experimental error??
this is not an experimental error. The reason for such a perfect matching between FC and ZFC curves is a tensile strain induced magnetic anisotropy in your second film which makes it unidirectionally oriented. Therefore, when you apply the field along this direction, no remanent magnetic moment is observed. To observe any splitting you need to apply the field perpendicular to this direction. See Figure 7(C) from the attached paper with similar behavior.
The temperature at which the ZFC and FC processes are departing from each other is known as the irreversible temperature. The ZFC maxima is sometimes called as the blocking temperature of the system. But this way defining blocking temperature is not good. Better to looks at the negative temperature derivative of the ZFC-FC data to find the blocking temperature after fitting with the log-normal distribution. Fozia Aziz