6 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fozia Aziz
defects are found to change the physical properties of thin films. Is there an evidence showing decrease in ferromagnetism due to cracks on film surface.
19 February 2015 9,717 9 View
Is it true for all the materials?
07 August 2014 4,861 2 View
When we know the thickness of thin films, we can calculate the magnetization of films in emu/cc. Is there any way we could convert the magnetization from emu/cc to emu/gm?
09 March 2014 8,613 15 View
Scherrer formula is used for finding the size of nano-scale particles. Can it give a correct estimate of thin film thickness? If so, how accurate it would be?
21 September 2013 6,349 10 View
The temperature at which FC and ZFC (MT curves) separate is called blocking temperature. What exactly does it signify? How can we distinguish between a ferromagnet and antiferromagnet after...
26 August 2013 6,398 4 View
In my thin film samples I have observed stripe like domain pattern measured using magnetic force microscopy. I have seen in literature that such domains are observed in materials with...
25 August 2013 5,892 16 View