How can "SOUND" become a/the literal, figurative, subjective filter for generative Performance Enhancement? The context becomes stifling, whereas basic empirical communications define a foundation leading to light-assisted healing treatments evolved with highly sophisticated methods for achieving balance between chemistry and environment (biology & physics).
What interactions between subject and matter will produce "in-kind energy" given the confluence of real and assisted intelligence?
"The rhythmic (as opposed to linear) expression of biological variables and the temporal organization of these rhythms represent an adaptation of organisms to the rhythmic changes in the external environment. Periodic oscillations (rhythms) have been documented in biological variables in a whole spectrum of living organisms (from unicellular to multicellular).1, 2 However, this phenomenon is not merely a reaction to environmental changes; it is generally held that the rhythms are governed by an active system capable of self-sustained oscillations (endogenous rhythms).1 Consequently, the shape of rhythms and the temporal order are products of the interaction between endogenous (genetically controlled) oscillators and the phases (synchronizing, entraining) of external cues.
Features of biological rhythm
The parameters of a biological rhythm are as follows1-6 :