I routinely give metformin in women with PCOS who wish to conceive. If there are no other factors involved, it works well. I usually try 1 tab (850 mg) once daily for one month. If she does not have any gastrointestinal symptoms (usually diarrhea) I consider to double the dose.
I prescribe metformin for any fatish lady with PCOS in pills 500 mg twice daily during meals for 3-6 months. The result in case of sufficient ovarian ability to response is raher good.
I prescribe insulin sensitiser (metformin-500mg in pills twice daily) in co-treatment with clomiphene-citrate in PCO women with insulin resistance; in poor responders I have excellent results with myo-inositol (2 g twice a day) for ovulation induction in PCO patients.
Encouraging results. I prescribe 500mg twice daily for about three to six months. However, even after counselling some patients are reluctant to take the drug when they noticed that it is used in treating diabetics!
Our clinic starts with 500mg bd and increases to tds in three months if no response. if no response by 6 months then consider alternative surgical and medical options to promote ovulation (e.g. ovarian drilling). This is combined with a care plan run via primary care that enables access to government funded dietician appointments in the community and an exercise plan.