Until this morning, when I viewed a 5-second film clip of a coral growing as tall as the Empire State Building on a national network television "Today" news broadcast, I thought that Global Warming is causing ocean waters to get too hot, as evidenced in the destruction of major coral reefs, which have already turned white, and presumably died, because of higher temperatures caused by Global Warming. Does this finding of an exceptionally tall coral formation indicate a different or new species of coral? Or is this thriving coral evidence of a positive result from the increased levels of carbon in Earth's atmosphere, or from some other factor that is not related to Global Warming? For more information, please see the Internet: " Standing taller than the Empire State Building’s 443 metres, the reef rises up to 40 metres deep. Research leader Robin Beaman, from James Cook University (JCU), described the pinnacle of the reef as a ‘thriving coral community.’ "

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