One of the ResearchGate colleagues asked me a question about the "Colluvium". I am sorry that, unfortunately, I could not answer in time and I lost his message. However, I put now and here my answer:

Related to "colluvium", the Romanian system of soil taxonomy (SRTS, 2003, 2012) takes into consideration two soil diagnostic materials:

- Colluvic material = Weathering not-humified (humus content < 0.5 %) materials formed by sedimentation through erosion (natural and/or human-induced). It has been transported from upper slope to lower/middle slope by streams and/or by gravity. It forms the C horizon of a soil and is the main diagnostic criterion for the "colluvic" soil qualifier.

- Cumulic material = material of a humified (mollic/umbric) soil horizon transported through erosion from soil surface of upper slope to lower/middle slope, where accumulates in the A horizon of the existing soil. It is the main diagnostic criterion for the "cumulic" soil qualifier (lower taxonomic level).

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