I want to ask you for advice. In a preliminary study published in 2009 at the State University of Mordovia, Russian Federation (Климатические  изменения  в  пойме  Балта-Брэилей.), I analyzed, using software Benoit , fractal analysis distribution curves of mean annual and mean monthly temperatures ( of Braila meteorological station) for the period 1878-1964 (before impoundment of wetlands of Braila), compared the period 1964-2007 (after damming, when the wetlands of Braila became polder and suffered intense anthropogenic change by draining, clearing, leveling, irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer use specific chemical intensive agriculture).

Fractal analysis of annual and monthly distribution curves of Braila meteorological station temperature before and after damming reflect the upward trend after damming the fractal dimension distribution values within a year. This indicates an increase in complexity (due to global climate change), the existence of many degrees of freedom that may materialize in the occurrence of more frequent risk factors. For example: the annual thermal distribution curve fractal dimension increased from 1.100 before to 1.109 after damming. I noticed the same trend for precipitation and evapotranspiration and. I await your comments.

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