Please enter your thoughts on Autacoid Medicine!

This might become one of the major fundaments of the 21st century medicine. What is autacoid medicine? It will be quite clear it is treating patients with the help of autacoids. What are autacoids?

A definition of autacoids recently conceptualized is:

. “Autacoids are a locally produced modulating factors, influencing locally the function of cells and/or tissues, which are produced on demand and which subsequently are metabolized in the same cells and/or tissues’  1

There are many classes of lipid autacoids: the N-acyl-ethanolamides (NAEs), lipoxins (Lxs) protectins (Pts), resolvins (Rvs) and maresins(Mss) are most important.

The essence of autacoid medicine is the amplification of innate protective circuits and pathways. Autacoid medicine is a rapidly expanding field, based on  pro-resolution and counter-regulatory pathways, and its fundaments are the various families of key lipid autacoids.

1. Keppel Hesselink JM1. The terms 'autacoid', 'hormone' and 'chalone' and how they have shifted with time. Auton Autacoid Pharmacol. 2015 Dec;35(4):51-8. doi: 10.1111/aap.12037. Epub 2016 Mar 29.

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