We are experiencing a problem after our cranial window surgeries where after about 2 weeks there is tissue growth that occurs which makes imaging through the windows very difficult with two photon imaging. Also the cranial windows are frequently coming loose or falling off entirely. When we switched from Krazy Glue to Metabond we found that the cranial windows no longer fell off but the same tissue growth still occurred. This seems to indicate that the tissue growth itself was pushing the windows off. Another sign of this tissue growth is an apparent gap develops between the surface of the brain and the window. When we take a close look at the tissue that grows we see it is white in color and seems to grow both over the surrounding skull and over the brain itself (see the following link of the tissue regrowth right after the window has fallen off: http://imgur.com/a/j1cEd). This process seems to be independent of dura removal as the growth happens whether we remove dura or not. We sterilize all tools before use and try to remove as much of the surrounding tissue as possible before installing the cranial window. We're wondering if anyone else has encountered such problems before and if there may be any fixes.

Thanks for any help.

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