although scrutinised among DAs, I have found Schegloff’s method to useful especially in overlapping conversation voice data between partners. You will find an abundance of resources online and find his Coding method to be quite straight forward.
Qualitative coding is applicable to a study of this nature. As explained by Emerson et al (2011), qualitative coding is twofold - open coding and focused coding.
In open coding, a fieldworker "reads fieldnotes line-by-line to identify and formulate any and all ideas, themes, or issues they suggest, no matter how varied and disparate."
"In focused coding, the fieldworker subjects fieldnotes to fine-grained, line-by-line analysis on the basis of topics that have been identified as being of particular interest." (172)
Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw. Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. 2nd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2011. Kindle Edition.
Puedes estudiar el discurso de tu ámbito a partir de categorías comunicativas, discursivas y lingüísticas. Puedes apoyarte en varios autores, tales cómo van Dijk, Patrick Chaeaudeau, entre otros. Hay distintas corrientes (francesa, holandesa, inglesa, americana, latinoamericana por mencionar algunas).