I have an experiment, where I amplify a gene sequence with PCR and digest it afterwards with SalI and EcoRI. This gene sequence is the insert for my vector, which is also digested with SalI and EcoRI. My insert is 1.3 kb and my vector 4.5 kb long.

My first problem is that I yield a very low concentration of the insert and vector. For the PCR amplified insert i changed the primer concentration, that worked to some degree. But for the vector I am not sure, what I could do different. Both are verfied with an agarose gel and then gel purified.

My main problem is that the ligation is not working. I am following the companys protocol, but it is not working somehow. The ends of the insert and vector are sticky-end and compatible. I also tried different molar ratios, but that didn´t change anything.

I would be thankful for some tips.

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