I raised antibodies against my protein of interest that can effectively detect the purified recombinant protein.
However I can´t detect the protein in the plant extracts, not even in the overexpressor plants (although in this case I can detect the protein using anti-MYC, the fused tag used. So the protein is there, just not detectable with specific antibodies).
The most puzzling finding was when I decided to run in the same gel: a) plant protein extract, b) recombinant protein and c) a mixture of recombinant protein + plant protein extract (using the same amount of recombinant protein as on b)). The imunodetection of the protein with anti-protein allows the detection of the recombinant protein alone, but no signal is visible in the extract+recombinant sample!
It´s weird that the signal just disappeared! What can the extract have that inhibits the imunodetection with the anti-protein, but not with anti-myc?
Have you come across with some situation like this? Do you have any solution for my problem?
Thank you