Hi all,

i am trying to run fusedTriplets.py . i have run the following commands in order to get my input

makeblastdb -in all.fas -dbtype prot -title all -out allseqs -parse_seqids

And for the input file I used

blastp -query all.fas -db allseqs -out all-vs-all_dbsize_defult.tsv -outfmt 6

blastp -query all.fas -db allseqs -out all-vs-all_dbsize_defult.tsv -outfmt “6 qseqid sseqid evalue pident bitscore qstart qend qlen sstart send slen”

and I get the error Assertion error: network header should start with 'qseqid sseqid'

I have tried using blast outfmt 7 (edited it too) and 10. but still get the same error massage can anyone help with the appropriate thing to do to overcome this

thank you

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