What are your recommendations for choosing an Open Access journal in numerical mathematics, based on your own experience?
The main points of interest seem to me
a) Scientific quality
b) typesetting quality
c) Impact factor
d) Page charges && non-predatory according to Beall's list at scholarlyoa.com
e) Secure access guaranteed, e.g. LOCKSS
There are some candidates that might be of special interest (links are given below):
Journal of Modern Methods in Numerical Mathematics
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA)
Journal of Mathematics — An Open Access Journal (Hindawi) [ with a certain caveat ]
Could you - besides normal text answers - provide a sort of rating from (-5) .. (+5) (worst .. best) for the journal that you discuss?
As regards preprint servers, what are your experiences and recommendation regarding
i) arXiv.org
ii) viXra.org
iii) Institutional server at universities, organizations etc.
as regards ease of access, quality and impact in the scientific community?
Thanks a lot in advance