One way to get your work noticed here on RG is by answering questions and seeing where you can contribute - also by referring to your publications. It's not so much about reaching the masses, but possibly individual opinion leaders who might then recommend your work to others.
Hi Sergio Perez Felipe , thanks for the flowers :-). I indeed have some papers here on RG that address the identification of so-called "brokers" (which can be opinion leaders) in social networks...
Volker G. Täube Brokers looks fine, I suppose helpers? Can you define them better or how do they help you (they just interact with you?). Someone asked to tell about how I do (not sure if it was Dharmendra Singh Professor), but he removed the question, anyway I'm going to tell my experience.
Actually I only have a couple of papers, and I focus only in one that I consider important and I am evolving (now I am trying to publish it in a good journal and finalize it), but I have tried many ways (always trying to point to RG).
One of the most interesting social networks for me was Discord, young people are hard to bear, but they are the ones who forwarded it the most (in that one I might have been a little heavy).
From preprint services, the most interesting maybe was Zenodo because it has communities (just now I've created a community; Hal, that tried to index it in ArXiv (but they couldn't); Qeios that helped me with the traduction (but I had 2 revisions with bad result!)... ArXiv didn't index my paper via Hal, they said it'll be published if it's accepted in a conventional journal with a resolving DOI when Hal accepted it. I have even sent it to by some preprint services (and added to their slack application to review them).
The preprints have given me problems, because I gave them permission to access ORCID and they have synced with RG. Now I have a lot of recommendations on them, when I am trying to point to my official paper.
I'm waiting for a paper in a good journal to try Linkedin, Reddit or Physicsforums (in Reddit or Physicsforums you are banned with RG).
Article Superconducting Field Theory (the Unification Theory).
Article Superconducting Field Theory (the Unification Theory)
Anyway one of the best places to share your knowledge I think is (they services like
If you have a team, but i'm an independent researcher.