The current cloud based single sign-on platform and the Bring-Your Own-Device (BYOD) policies, present number of Cyber Security Challenges that have not yet been solved.
Sinjilawi, Y. K., Al-Nabhan, M. Q., & Abu-Shanab, E. A. (2014). Addressing Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 6(2).
Singh, J., Pasquier, T., Bacon, J., Ko, H., & Eyers, D. (2016). Twenty security considerations for cloud-supported Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 3(3), 269-284.
Elnagdy, S. A., Qiu, M., & Gai, K. (2016, June). Cyber incident classifications using ontology-based knowledge representation for cybersecurity insurance in financial industry. In Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud), 2016 IEEE 3rd International Conference on (pp. 301-306). IEEE.
Tang, Z., & Pan, Y. (2016). Big Data Security Management. Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 247.
I would suggest that the problems faced by any applications running in the cloud are no different to the same applications running in a local data centre.
1. First factor authentication is by means of username/password
2. The password is fixed, and transmitted in clear.
3. There is no second/third factor authentication
4. In most cases, the cloud-based data is unencrypted
5. Even if the cloud-based data is encrypted, the encryption-key management is open to abuse by privileged users, and theft by determined hackers.
My project ("IDaaS with secure data-at-rest") has addressed all of these issues and others. Please feel free to browse it, or see my website for more details.