10 October 2017 0 853 Report

Shortcomings when using caloric restriction (CR) as the only longevity manipulation

Caloric restriction (CR) has a high variance because what is considered CR varies among species and experiments. Compounds that can extend lifespan when exposing organisms to them early in life can shorten it when given later in life. Sometimes intermittent changes, such as intermittent fasting, may affect lifespan more than if the same manipulation would persist continuously throughout the entire lifespan of the organism. There are even publications that claim that it cannot be proven that CR really extends lifespan since results vary too widely between studies and confounding variables. I can find you citations later once I have access to a big external screen. When I tell people that my research is about understanding how and why caloric restriction extends lifespan in yeast they often email me articles claiming that the data does not allow for the conclusion that caloric restriction actually extends lifespan.

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