Facility location problems, where a set of items have to be assigned to a number of facilities, represent a well known class of problems in operations research. A special case is the Single Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem (SSCFLP), where the demand of any single client has to be allocated to a single facility and each facility has a limited capacity. Several efforts have been devoted to solving SSCFLP, based either on Lagrangean relaxation or on an exact approach, e.g. branch-and-bound in and branch-and-cut in.
M. Naldi, G. Nicosia, A. Pacifici, and U. Pferschy. Profit-fairness trade-off in project selection. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2018.10.007, 2018.
Chawis Boonmee, Mikiharu Arimura, and Takumi Asada. Facility location optimization model for emergency humanitarian logistics. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24:485 – 498, 2017.
Sae yeon Roh, Hyun mi Jang, and Chul hwan Han. Warehouse location decision factors in humanitarian relief logistics. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, 29(1):103 – 120, 2013.
A. Agnetis, E. Grande, and A. Pacifici. Demand allocation with latency cost functions. Mathematical Programming, 132(1-2):277– 294, 2012.