Fortunately, the perovskite hybrid organo metallic semicondcutor is a direct bandgap material having high absorption coefficient, so the thickness required to absorb the incident solar radiation is of the order of tenths of a micro meter. So, the absorber thickness is thin and therefore such solar cells are classified as thin film solar cells. May be the most suitable solar cell structure is the pin diode structure where the i-layer is the perovskite layer. It is always better to use single crystalline form for high life time of minority carriers and high mobility to reduce the recombination losses in the active material. Such forms are expensive and may not be necessary for getting good solar cells. Fine grained polycrystalline perovskite shows mobility and minority carrier lifetime that are sufficient to from solar cells with photoconversion efficiency as high as 20 percent. Such materials can be synthesized by low temperature process rendering the process economical. The perovskite has bandgap of about 1,7 eV near that required for the highest efficiency solar cells. May be the main problem is the stability of the material.