Rasool - to me the primary health care standards are those that use social determinants of health and the five key aims of the Ottawa Charter to inform effective health policy that influences population and community health in a 'refocusing upstream, preventative capacity - through community empowerment.
It's universal healthcare and focuses on comprehensive health figured on family and community it being mental, physical health , social and all of well being
Do preventive health care, remove the root cause(s), correct the patient's wrong lifestyle, diet, posture, concept(s), habit(s), attitude, medical knowledge.
Good question. The answer for this question is very complex.
In simplest terms a good primary health care in any setting is that which characterized by
1. It includes essential health care to permit socially and economically productive life. The minimum package (contents) should include:
a. MCH services including family planning.
b. Adequate nutrition.
c. Environmental health.
d. School health.
e. Control of communicable diseases.
f. Curative care for common illnesses and injuries.
g. Health education.
h. Compilation of vital and health statistics.
2. Accessibility. Care can be used when and where people needs arise.
3. Acceptability. The accommodation of provider and consumer characteristics. A female doctor is certainly more acceptable to provide prenatal care from the sociocultural point of view.
4. Participation of people.
5. Integration: within the different components of the health care system and between the latter and other sectors.
6. Effective two-way referral system.
7. Health education.
FRom another view, a good or high quality care should have:
a. Adequate resources or structure
b. Adhere to adequate and scientific procedures and activities
c. Achieve desired outcomes (Reduction in indicators of morbidity, mortality and other related)