12 December 2014 9 8K Report

We are studying the impact of water scarcity due to climate change and population growth on economic growth and development. We have all the data we need but still require precipitation projection estimates by country. Many of the climate models used in the latest IPCC give estimates of precipitation but the aggregate data at the country level is very hard to find. I have looked at downloading CMIP5 data from ESGF data facility but the system has many bugs and I cannot find the exact data I am looking for. Moreover it only provides data at very high spatial resolution. This is fine as I can aggregate this information to the level of the country but I don't know what dataset is most appropriate for doing this analysis. Has an emulator been developed for precipitation, or perhaps an average estimate of precipitation changes estimated by the different climate change models? We are interested in changes out to 2050 and 2100. Monthly estimates would also be helpful as this gives seasonal changes in water availability.  I know these estimates are highly uncertain, but we are taking this into consideration in our study. 

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