For some materials having relaxor or DPT transition, dielectric constant and loss peaks occur at different temperature. Can anybody please give the related references to understand this?
Dielectric loss peak occurs in dielectric relaxation when polarization is not following A. C.field. In case of dipoar type polarization, a peak in dielectric loss may be observed as a function of temperature also in the frequency range where relaxation is occurring.Dielectric constant do not show any peak with frequency or temperature in dielectric relaxation. A peak in dielectric constant may occur with temperature in case of any kind of phase transition but observation of dielectric loss may not be observed as it depend on frequency range of measurements. Hence peak in dielectric constant has no direct relation with dielectric loss in phase transition.
I suggests the classical literature published by Jonscher and Mac Donald. They iinclude a huge analysis for different dielectrics, polar systems and aquous solutions