Different brands of HPLC columns require different types of nuts and ferrules to seal properly. The correct selection of nut and ferrule is very important. By definition, the presence of a leak means that something is not connected correctly.
You probably have the wrong type of fitting connection for your column. With the exception of plastic "Fingertight" fittings, proper procedure is to always to swage a new SS fitting to a column end fitting. This insures the nut is long enough and the ferrule is seated at the correct depth inside the column. We do not re-use pre-swaged fittings (please throw them out). *One exception to this is with the use of plastic fingertight fittings which can be re-used many times before disposing of. These too require that they are fitted correctly and are long enough for the column end fitting used (Too short of a length will result in a leak).
One common cause of leaks is the use of std length fittings in a Waters brand column. Waters brand column end fitings are deeper than most other brands. Waters column end fitting require a Waters Ferrule and extra long threaded nut to reach the bottom of the fitting without having the nut head hit the column end-fitting. If the Waters type ferrule is not swaged at that correct location inside the end-fitting or the head of the nut bottoms out on the top of the end-fitting (not long enough), then a leak will result because the fitting can not seal properly. The procedure of properly learning how to swage fittings onto stainless steel lines is critical to prevent leaks. Here is a link to an article that I wrote on this topic that may help you [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280385797_HPLC_Tubing_and_Fittings_Tutorial_Hints_Tips_for_the_Chromatographer]
Research HPLC Tubing and Fittings Tutorial, “Hints & Tips for the Chr...
Thanks a lot for your answers. I got this problem solved today. I changed the plastic ferule with ss ferule which can withstand much higher pressure now and also there is no leakage.
Hello! I have been going through the leakage issue with the fixing that attaches to the MS chamber. I checked all the pieces connecting each other from the line from the LC to the grounding line to the needle many times. But there is no clog anywhere in this stage. The line coming from the LC tightens very well before the runs but then it gets pushed off a bit as a result leak begins. Any suggestions are much appreciated.