Lemon is a common fruit used in many forms, regular uses of lemon juice enhances the digestion power by boosting enzymatic flora action. The juice improve the taste, so one may eat more. It is beneficial to maintain the cardiac health. Absorption and Bio-availability increases. Bowel discipline regularizes, so flatulence will be under control. Beneficial for hair and skin care. These are few important effects of Lemon in body, many other are also there.
May be taken the juice alone or mixed in water, honey or turmeric or with any dish of salad, cooked vegetable or chateny- paste. May be used as pickle form and many traditional recipes are there. The lemon fruit may cut into pieces and boiled in coconut oil till the pieces became hard, such oil is very much beneficial in hair and skin care. The lemon juice and turmeric mixed together to form a paste, the application of this on facial region vanishes acne and improve the skin condition. The whole lemon fruits may be kept buried in rock or simple salt in a glass vessel for three to four weeks and later remove and consume daily one fruit with food, is very much beneficial. The whole lemon fruits may be kept in deep freezer for 3-4 days, it became hard, such fruit may be sliced and taken daily with food. Such many methods are there.
The excessive use of lemon increases acidity, creates burning sensation, harmful to teeth, increases joint pain if already having arthritis, increases hair fall etc.
Lemon is a common fruit used in many forms, regular uses of lemon juice enhances the digestion power by boosting enzymatic flora action. The juice improve the taste, so one may eat more. It is beneficial to maintain the cardiac health. Absorption and Bio-availability increases. Bowel discipline regularizes, so flatulence will be under control. Beneficial for hair and skin care. These are few important effects of Lemon in body, many other are also there.
May be taken the juice alone or mixed in water, honey or turmeric or with any dish of salad, cooked vegetable or chateny- paste. May be used as pickle form and many traditional recipes are there. The lemon fruit may cut into pieces and boiled in coconut oil till the pieces became hard, such oil is very much beneficial in hair and skin care. The lemon juice and turmeric mixed together to form a paste, the application of this on facial region vanishes acne and improve the skin condition. The whole lemon fruits may be kept buried in rock or simple salt in a glass vessel for three to four weeks and later remove and consume daily one fruit with food, is very much beneficial. The whole lemon fruits may be kept in deep freezer for 3-4 days, it became hard, such fruit may be sliced and taken daily with food. Such many methods are there.
The excessive use of lemon increases acidity, creates burning sensation, harmful to teeth, increases joint pain if already having arthritis, increases hair fall etc.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. They contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, potassium, fiber, phosphorus, copper, iron, B-complex vitamins, limonene.
Increase peristalsis for its acidity.
It contains a substance called flavonol glycosides which stop cell division in cancer cells.
It contains hesperetin which lowers blood sugar levels (when they are high)
Lemon is rich with vitamin c and other antioxidants .It is very helpfull in case of indigestion and lemon juice along with honey will help to lose weight .Lemon can be used to avoid dandruf. When lemon taken along with food it increases the taste .Lemon is also having immennse ayurvedic property as mentioned by Gandhidas and Vilemar sir .
Lemon strengthens the immune system of body, lowers blood pressure and reduces risks of heart disease, anaemia, kidney stones, digestive disorders, and cancer. It also helps in weight loss. Please take a look at the following links.
Article Lemon: A Versatile Fruit of Multiple Uses
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