l think the random selection of the cluster heads,may cause higher communication overhead for: the ordinary member nodes in communicating with their corresponding cluster head, cluster heads in establishing the communication among them, or
between a cluster head and a base station. the periodic cluster head rotation or election needs extra energy to rebuild clusters.
the Rotated Hybrid Energy-Efficient and distributed Clustering Protocol(R-HEED) is the the modified version of HEED that modified its clustering phase to be more energy-efficient.
However if we return back to the rotation itself for the election of Cluster heads : it elect them and rotate the role of the CH randomly based on some probabilities. The random election will reduce the overhead associated with the election process but it will often
The random selection of the cluster head based on some probability may also make the same node be cluster head more than one time , it will affect the fairness of the chance of the cluster head between the cluster members and it will affect the lifetime of this node that becomes for the second time as a cluster head that will die faster than the others due to its load
l think with random selection of the cluster heads,may create higher communication overhead due to flooding mechanism. This cause high energy depletion of all nodes.