27 July 2017 5 6K Report

I need to create a simple Recurrent Neural Network RNN or Long short-term memory (LSTM), which is specific type of RNN. After searching through examples and forums I haven't come across many applications that are similar enough to my project.  I tried to implement a simple RNN to classify the ECG signals into two classes, but no luck so far. I'm confused about What is the correct input shape for the model?.

Let say I have 20 ECG record. My input data is such that I have m=20 signals each with n=7000 data points, and L=2 output labels that I am trying to learn. How I should structuring my input data. Is it true to make the input as (m,n,1) and output targets as (m,L)!.

I attempt to use the following Matlab toolboxes for building the RNN:


Please help!

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