This book might be helpful: Millman, J., & Darling-Hammond, L. (Eds.). (1990). The new handbook of teacher evaluation: Assessing elementary and secondary school teachers. Corwin Press.
Para responder esta pregunta creo necesario situarla en un contexto temporal, particularmente los criterios de calidad en enseñanza y aprendizaje post pandemia son relevantes considerando los miles de niños que vieron afectados sus procesos de aprendizaje y por consiguiente sus trayectorias educativas. Con esto, creo que los principales criterios de calidad debiesen estar asociados a mejorar la disposición a los aprendizajes, disminuir el ausentismo crónico y restaurar aprendizajes de años anteriores. Finalmente respecto a la enseñanza incorporar estrategias a largo plazo que consideren la diversidad de formas de aprender y la inclusión en aula.
I know that the best teaching practice is in-fact, not telling the student apparent direct supposed facts and the likes, although presenting the material in such a manner that it allows them to maintain an open mind and so in essence what I am saying is to not teach what to think, although how to think. This permits them to develop a much more sound grasping of any particular concept, especially in the world as it stands in present with much obfuscating and deliberate misleading or committed relevant data from whatever subject matters. In this manner they will have a much greater ability to think individually. Although, with regard to myself, the thing which helped me with this exact capability of thought was experiences with medications, actually cannabis in specific. It revolutionised my mind. A psychological or cognitive reformation completely.
For further elaboration on this experience which I mentioned in brief, I've written of it detailing it in a quite comprehensive level.