In my investigation I have found a couple of Swedish teacher associations (TA), active during the 1970s and 1980s, who found their incitements for collaboration in the need for managing computer hardware and software. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and National Board Of Education it seems like TA are influential concerning the development of informatics (computer science) curriculum. Somehow today things have changed and the formation of TA are constrained by other regulations (political, economical or technological). Or would you say it's not?

For instance Educational secretary Michael Gove in England has recently presented a National Curriculum framework, where computing curriculum is supposed do be shaped from the bottom-up where teachers are going to share and use services on the internet for collaboration. He holds the idea of using Master Teachers which will spread the word. In such a situation I wonder if the collaboration will be driven from the needs of the teachers, the hope from the politicians, or from the programmers ideas about user interfaces.

QUESTION: The question about whether Gove's implementation will work or not, is another thing which the future will reveal, I therefore would appreciate if you could tell me (based on your research or experience from curriculum implementation) what is important for the existence of teacher associations and collaboration? What are the important factors?

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