Global worming, pollution, increasing waste are damaging world environment rapidly. We are the last generation who can save the world. So, please discuss the necessary steps to save the world
It seems to me that immediate step is to make an habit to reduce the use of technological opportunities where ever possible, intensive awareness all the times through various media about the forthcoming harmful consequences we are to face, cut down the profit oriented capitalism, make habit of using minimum resources, sharing of facilities among us and so on so on.
Solving the problems in plent on thie planet earth are too many. United nations must take lead and mandates all countries. where problems exists and new problems added. Its human disaster of life is not saved.! We observe Earthday yearly once why not Earth day on daily.
Reduction of technological innovations and its use. Unknowingly the advancements in technology is giving us handicapped future. Bring back vintage a best solution not only for combating environmental hazards reduction but also other challenges.