In most world regions we foresee significant challenges of education stemming from the COVID 19. What can be the recommendations to building a better education system under COVID 19, especially in the context of your country?
The COVID 19 pandemic has brought with it challenges as well as great innovations, especially on the education system in Zambia. Some education institutions have uploaded learning resource materials for children from early grade through tertiary. Rather than children watching TV ordinary cartoons, schools have innovated APPS loaded with digital education materials and collaborated with TV corporations to also have such materials to be programmed on TV. The Internet providers, have increased bandwidth and created more cyberspace teleconference mechanisms such as ZOOM and Webinar which are interactive in nature to facilitate sustainable education. However, there is still a big challenge for rural areas to access such innovations in education.
Educators learn the new ways of communicating with the students away from the classrooms and lecture theatres. Educators across the world are experiencing new possibilities to do things differently and with greater flexibility resulting in potential benefits in accessibility to education for students across the world.