The load displacement history is used to test the beam column joint by the various researchers in their paper. The beam column joint is subjected to different load displacement history in different paper. Somewhere, displacement starts from 2.5 mm and then displacement cycles goes increasing i.e. 2.5,2.5, 5,5, 7.5,7.5, 10,10, 12.5, 12.5 ...... up to complete failure of specimen. Somewhere it starts from 5 mm and then cycles goes increasing e.g. 5,5, 10,10, 15,15, 20,20, 25,25, 30,30 and so on.

The cycle of same displacement also varies e.g. 2.5 mm displacement with 2 cycles or 3 cycles and follow the loading pattern till failure

In many case, e.g. 5 mm displacement with 2 cycles or 3 cycles and follow the loading pattern till failure

Please Clarify, what are the parameter to fix the load displacement history to test the beam column joint specimen?

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