Insulin resistance is the inability of insulin to exert its normal physiological effects at plasma levels that are usually effective in normal persons. What are the clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance (IR) is a crucial factor in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. IR, together with gradual pancreatic beta-cell failure are the principal pathogenetic mechanisms of type 2 diabetes. Also, IR is associated with the development of hepatic steatosis, so called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Patients with IR are at a considerable risk for the development of type 2 diabetes, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and its clinical consequences including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral arterial disease.
The following articles and links may be useful in this regard:
Article Insulin Resistance: Metabolic Mechanisms and Consequences in the Heart
Article Insulin resistance: Definition and consequences
The metabolic consequences of insulin resistance can result in hyperglycemia, hypertension, dyslipidemia, visceral adiposity, hyperuricemia, elevated inflammatory markers, endothelial dysfunction, and a prothrombic state.
Dear Dr Salman Kadhum Ajlan . The conditions including : obesity, cardiovascular disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).
Kindly see the following useful link:,polycystic%20ovary%20syndrome(PCOS).
Dear Dr. Arvind Singh Yes Dr. I agree in depth with your valuable replies regrading insulin resistance. Many thank indeed for your valuable contribution to the discussion and also for sharing valuable link and articles. My sincere gratitude.
Dear Dr Aref Wazwaz Thank you so much for your valuable contribution and reply with regard to the clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance with which I fully agree. Many thanks too for sharing valuable link and articles to enrich this discussion. My sincere gratitude.
Dear Dr. Dhurgham A Abdulwahid Yes Dr. I agree with your answer regarding the clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance. Many thank for your valuable contribution. My sincere gratitude.
Dear Dr. Wasnaa Hadi Abdullah Yes Dr. I agree with you with regard to the conditions associated with insulin resistance. Many thanks for your valuable contribution. My sincere gratitude.
nsulin resistance can be linked to diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease and other abnormalities. These abnormalities constitute the insulin resistance syndrome. Because resistance usually develops long before these diseases appear, identifying and treating insulin-resistant patients has potentially great preventive value.
Dear Dr. Nooralhuda Alfatlawi Yes Dr. I fully agree with your answer regarding the clinical conditions linked to insulin resistance. Thanks a lot for your valuable contribution and reply. My sincere gratitude.
Dear Dr. Ruqaya Adnan Salih Yes Dr. I agree with your reply regarding the conditions linked to insulin resistance. Thank you so much for your valuable contribution. My sincere gratitude
Together, these abnormalities create a metabolic environment that increases the risks of macrovascular atherosclerotic abnormalities, such as stroke, heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, as well as renal failure. The presence of insulin resistance is important, because this condition precedes, and ultimately progresses to, type 2 diabetes. Early recognition of the insulin resistance syndrome by primary care providers as well as specialists is critical to effective, long-term, comprehensive patient management.
Yes Dr. Ruqaya Adnan Salih I agree in depth with your valuable and comprehensive statement with regard to the complications of insulin resistance, and also early recognition of metabolic syndrome. Many thanks for your valuable contribution and answers. Kind regards and best wishes.
Thank you for sharing this intrestingt topic of Discussion
As a Gynecologic and Obestatrics profesionale
We look and seek for conditions associated with insulin resistance
That most of my collage have already define
IR is linked to many ominous pregnancy outcomes
As Fetal macrosomia and incresed risk of difficult labor and OPERATIVE delivery
Not to forget the neonatal complications of Respiratory distress syndrome, electrolyte disturbances and even seizeures especially if the disease was undiginosed during pregnancy
50 %of those women will develop DM in the next 5 years fallowing delivery
So close obsorvation, dietrey resrction And changing life style can be of great value to prevent its development
As for Gynecological devision
We look for IR to be a contributary factor for women infertility and related menstrual disturbances and hypergonadism
Dear Dr. Wassan Nori Really you have presented a valuable and comprehensive answer illustrating the association of insulin resistance with Gynecology and Obstetrics practice. Many thanks indeed for this contribution that greatly enriched the discussion. My sincere gratitude.
Insulin resistance can be linked to diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease and other abnormalities. These abnormalities constitute the insulin resistance syndrome Salman Kadhum Ajlan
Dear Dr. Shivam Maurya Yes Dr. diabetes (or impaired glucose tolerance), hypertension and dyslipidaemia (high triglyceride and low high density lipoprotein - cholesterol "HDL-C"), together with central obesity constitute the components of metabolic syndrome which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular events. Many thanks for your valuable contribution. My sincere gratitude.
Insulin resistance impairs the heart's ability to adjust to changing energy demands by increasing FA delivery to the heart and reducing the heart's ability to use glucose, causing the heart to become more reliant on FAs for energy.
Insulin resistance manifests differently depending on the nature and stage of the condition. The majority of patients exhibit one or more insulin-resistant clinical characteristics. Despite high insulin resistance, many people do not acquire diabetes. Other patients have severe hyperglycemia that necessitates substantial doses of insulin (>200 units); these individuals may exhibit traditional diabetes symptoms such as polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss. For more information kindly check:
Dear Dr. Manal Hadi Kanaan Many thank indeed for your kind contribution, valuable answers and sharing valuable links that greatly enriched this discussion. My sincere gratitude.
Insulin resistance can be linked to diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease and other abnormalities. These abnormalities constitute the insulin resistance syndrome