Hi Mukhiddin. The journals that come to my mind are Landslides, Geomorphology, Natural Hazards, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Earth Surface Dynamics, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences. I’m sure there are others!
Many people still make their decision of journal based on journal impact factor, but the nature of your study (e.g. is it geomorphology of landslides, their mechanics, their impacts, the threat they pose, has the slope failed already or might it fail in the future? Etc etc), and the audience you want to reach is probably more important. Plus, some journals are free to publish in, whereas others charge a fee. You need to read the journal aim and scope for the above journals and decide from there. There are usually a combination of factors that lead to the choice of journal.
Talking about numbers and impact, then use the list proposed by Simon (well covered, adding other multidisciplinary journals like Computers and geosciences..etc).
- To answer Why:
Take the mentioned journal and go to https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php
There, you will fairly understand about the journal general health and sustainability.