I would like to construct a ten-item scale on the subjective importance of various goals in higher education (e.g., equal opportunities, gender issues, promoting sustainability etc.). When using rating (Likert) scales, many respondents will rate almost all of the items highly (response style, social desirability etc.). Therefore, a colleague suggested ranking in order to avoid the problem. My concern about rankings, however, is that they are ipsative by their nature AND ordinal with respect to their scale level. As a result, only very simple statistical methods would remain for data analysis.

Can anyone suggest how to deal with the problem? E.g., using ratings and given an instruction to make use of the full scale of possible ratings, from lowest to highest, wherever possible? Does anyone have experience with such instructions and could make suggestions?

Instructions and items will be translated to German, Slovak, Tamil and possibly to additional languages in order to do inter-cultural comparisons. So they should be very clear and straight forward.

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