The concentration of not only N and K , but most of the nutrients is crop-dependent and growth stage dependent . More than that , same data when interpreted through a variety of interpretation tools , we get different levels of optimum limits of all the nutrients , including N and K. We had a huge debate on this matter , considering both annual as well as perennial crops...Please have a look at enclosed PDFs..
There can be no meaningful average Leaf N & K content, since the N & K content is affected by species, leaf age and position on the the plant and may be affected by fertiiser or nutritional practices.
Yes, there is no word in like average . Nutrient concentration is always a function of growth stage , species, management practices , method of sampling fruiting or non-fruiting that number of factors...
There are not such average figures for those nutrients concentration in leaf or any plant part but the content is less at initial stage and it is maximum at flowering and fruiting and there after it decreases. Also it differs species to species and crop to crop.