I want measure the spatial movement of the eye simultaneously EEG recording. What are the available methods to do this ? The eye tracker should be placed away from the brain cap, remotely.
There is the Dikablis mobile eye tracker. My colleague Sam Stuart (PhD candidate and on ResearchGate) would be a useful person to contact. We have published a novel algorithm (Quantifying Saccades While Walking: Validity of a Novel Velocity-Based Algorithm for Mobile Eye Tracking, IEEE EMBS 2014) for the Dikablis as well as recently had a validity/reliability paper on Dikablis just accepted with Medical Engineering and Physics (we will add the full text soon, currently just the abstract on ResearchGate).
You might want to also check out Sam's PhD protocol paper where in his work his participants work the Dikablis and EOG sensors: http://f1000research.com/articles/4-1379/v1
your question was regarding a 3D remote eyetracker, i.e. horizontal, vertical and torsional eye movements. I'm not aware of any system on the market that is capable for 3D remote eyetracking. There are some head mounted systems (e.g. Chronos, EyeSeeCam) that may record 3D components but to my knowledge there is no remote system right now.