Atmospheric aerosols can largely be classified as particles that are suspended in air via. the buoyant force of air pressure, and range from 0.002 µm to about 100 µm in diameter. These particles therefore are distributed up through the atmosphere proportionally to the density of the surrounding air. Each aerosol has a unique origin, chemical composition, residence time, and spatial–temporal distribution. Atmospheric aerosols can be liquid or solid.
The impact of atmospheric aerosols on climate tends to typically decrease the net energy absorbed by the Earth from the Sun by reflecting a portion of the received sunlight back into outer space. The addition of most atmospheric aerosols therefore decreases the global energy balance and annual average temperature of a planet. Some small atmospheric aerosols, and those that have short residence times, can generate an increase in temperature by chemical breakdown into other greenhouse gasses.
Their impact on health varies based on their chemical composition. If you treat micro-droplets of water as aerosols, you might want to drink that fog! Depending on their source and origin, aerosols can potentially be very toxic in chemical composition, their decomposition products, and in their radioactivity. Residence time and decomposition products are the most important for addressing the immediate health effects of long term pollution from industrial factories, transportation, nuclear power plants, and fossil fuel energy consumption. The outlook is likley not so good, and the best option for the future is renewable energy dominated by solar, wind, geothermal, and one day small scale nuclear fission.
I agree that the IPCC report is a great place to start and it's totally free to the public.
There are also two very good classic textbooks (among many other texts) on atmospheric chemistry that cover aerosols:
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, by Seinfeld and Pandis
Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere, by Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts
For perhaps more concise and current reviews of the issues, Chemical Reviews had a full issue of atmospheric chemistry (incl. aerosol) review papers in 2015. [Their server appears to be down at this moment so I can't provide a link, but I think you'll find it easily if you search.]
I think he is trying to build up his ResearchGate score by posting and answering his own questions. He is not interested in your answers, only his own.
for the first part I am waiting your share specially if its new.
for the second part when I read any thing related to my question I just share it here, also to update the knowledge about my question because what is new for you may be isn't new for others.
Atmospheric aerosols decide air pollution, especially in the industrial workshops. Like automobile industry. This requires high-quality instruments to measure very small concentrations of aerosols (dust). Air pollution is ignored recently on our planet earth especially in the developing countries. Best regard dear colleague.
Los aerosoles son de importancia central para la química atmosférica y la física, la biosfera, el clima y la salud pública. Las partículas sólidas y líquidas en el aire en el rango de tamaño nanométrico a micrométrico influyen en el balance energético de la Tierra, el ciclo hidrológico, la circulación atmosférica y la abundancia de gases traza reactivos e invernadero. Además, juegan papeles importantes en la reproducción de organismos biológicos y pueden causar o mejorar enfermedades. Los parámetros principales que determinan los efectos ambientales y de salud de las partículas de aerosol son su concentración, tamaño, estructura y composición química. Sin embargo, estos parámetros son espacialmente y temporalmente altamente variables. La cuantificación e identificación de partículas biológicas y componentes carbonosos de partículas finas en el aire (compuestos orgánicos y carbono negro o elemental, respectivamente) representan desafíos analíticos exigentes. Esta revisión describe el estado actual del conocimiento, las principales preguntas abiertas y las perspectivas de investigación sobre las propiedades e interacciones de los aerosoles atmosféricos y sus efectos sobre el clima y la salud humana.
Climate change threatens all human health, but people in developing countries, arid regions, coastal areas, mountains and polar regions are the fastest affected. Children and the elderly, especially in poor countries, are the most vulnerable to the health risks of climate change and the long-term consequences of health.