Organic fertilizers are not just a trend but a necessary solution for sustainable agriculture and healthy crop growth. Organic farming is the most sustainable method of farming that can prevent the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and promote the use of naturally grown food products. In simple words, it can replace synthetic fertilizers. manure, blood and bones, guano, compost and kelp products. Organic fertilisers contain lower levels of nutrients and might take longer than inorganic fertilisers to be absorbed as they generally have to degrade first. The use of compost and organic matter replenishes soil nutrients, encourages beneficial microorganisms, and improves soil structure. Compost serves as an excellent natural fertilizer, minimizing waste and supporting sustainable agriculture.
Also, Natural farming is a chemical-free traditional farming method. It is considered to be an agro ecological based diversified farming system that integrates crops, trees and livestock with functional biodiversity” Elements of sustainable agriculture may include permaculture, agroforestry, mixed farming, multiple cropping, and crop rotation. Shade-grown coffee, a form of polyculture (an example of sustainable agriculture) that mimics natural ecosystems.
Tendo por base conhecimento prático e teorico, afirmo que atualmete muitos produtores trabalham com a (turfa), por ser um formulado organico e de fácil aplicação no sistema de festi rigação, admais, a cama de frango é uma excelente saida para quem tem grandes extenções de terra, pois atual durante varios mezes no solo, assim como a palha de café e demais estercos de suinos, bovinos e caprinos. A adubação com Húmus de minhoca também é uma excelente alternativa, porem grande grandes áreas o custo fica elevado. Além de tudo, a depender da região existe formulações orgânicas de diferentes niveis de complexibilidade e preço.
You have to temper the enthusiasm for 'sustainability' by knowing what crops/animals remove and replacing it. Otherwise the end is obvious. The replacement means are up for grabs.