هناك عدة انواع من البدائل الامنة لمكافحة الافات المنزلية منها خل الطعام بانواعه لانه يحتوي ع مواد طاردة للبعوض المنزلي والذباب كذلك بعض التوابل مثل الدارسين الكمون حبة سوداء وعشبة نبات الريحان
Basically it depends on the nature of pest, pest type, surveillance situation of the particular pest, locality, and feasible measures to be used there according to the specific scenerio on the need of urgency, these techno-solution may vary in different scenarios. However, most safe alternative to chemical pesticides is reliance on the biological, physical or mechanical control involving repellents, safe fumigants, different traps, mechanical beaters, and some traditional practices etc.
That will very much depend on the context, the target insect... With chemical insecticides, it was almost not necessary to have any entomological or technical expertise : you apply the product and the pest is killed. So people have been used to very simple application methods. If you don't want to use chemical pesticides any more, then you will have to come back to much more detailled and specific techniques, application schedule and places, knowledge of the behaviour of the insects you want to target... In that perspective, there is no "alternative" as you said which could be use the same way as chemical insecticides just by swapping a bottle with another.