01 January 1970 0 2K Report

Hello, I am part of a project where we are investigating the behaviour of a hydraulic filter to assess when it needs replacement. Our aim is to do this using a motor current sensor and a pressure sensor past the filter. Plotting the data clearly shows some linear dependencies between the current and pressure.

Our hypothesis is that this linear behaviour will change over time in some aspects as the filter becomes more clogged with particles. One example that has already been attempted was to look at the data from the past 14 days and save the slope of the linear regression, this was then done over a longer period of time to see the trend. The trend of the slope was then plotted over time to analyse the change in behaviour.

We are looking for other more sofisticated ways of analysing the data from literature. Do you have any suggestions for literature reviews, papers or search terms?

Thank you!

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