Beautifully presented interrogation about the prospects of Australia (an example) in the emergence of AI revolution! May also be relevant to many other societies.

“Australia's consistent run of growth could be seen as fortuitous complacency rather than genuine dynamism”

“Even after decades of global technological growth, according to the Atlas of Economic Complexity, roughly 80 per cent of Australia's physical exports by value in 2016 were minerals, metals, stone, foodstuff and wood.”

"have the conditions that led to so much success also weakened our adaptability and slowed down our survival reflex?"

“They are also challenging our identities and institutions, radically altering how we relate to one another and even raising the question of what it means to be human”

“Meanwhile, trust levels across sectors are low: only 40 per cent of the general public trust Australian institutions according to the Edelman 2017 Barometer, and only 26 per cent of Australians find CEOs to be credible—a drop of 13 percentage points since 2016.”

“Innovation emerges from new perspectives to familiar objects and problems.”

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