The experts concluded that the best alternative in this area is the direct evaluation, and suggested several ways, including that the teacher and students agree on specific hand signals used by students and observed by the teacher during the presentation of the lesson, which enables the teacher to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the student and focus on what needs to stand at him To improve educational abilities and skills, nor do they cause boycott of explanation or chaos.
The direct daily assessment creates a kind of relationship between the student and the subject of the lesson and makes the student more interested and less tense about the grades, and it is not necessary that the evaluation is impossible and exhausting for students, but on the contrary must be easy and easy, and the successful teacher is the one who seeks to be all successful students, And involve them in the evaluation process, both in the development of questions or in student assessment of each other
It is best that the teacher does not resort to assigning homework to students unless necessary, and all that can be resolved within the classroom must be assigned to students in the classroom. This is better because the student answers in an educational environment controlled by the teacher. To whom they need them, and he can do it all with an atmosphere of pleasure for students.
If the teacher finds it necessary to assign learners homework, he must take into consideration that this assignment is related to the lesson he has learned in the classroom, encourage creativity and be fun at the same time. Read for as long as possible, but it is necessary to refer here to a very important matter, which is the need to follow up the student in this assignment directly in the next lesson.
The domestic duty must be short, acceptable, practical, and valuable, but work that takes a long time is excluded.
For lecture based learning, students are evaluated using homework assignments, quizzes, exams, and term project. For a project based learning, it is more suitable to assess the student performance using group project and presentation. The latter is way more effective and representative of the real performance of students.
Gamification and the use of badges can also be adopted and considered innovative techniques. I adopt them in the context of a group project, in which students in a group of 6-8 students develop a software solution.
When students are involved in group activity, the tutor can use individual online journals as part of the assessment. Having done some research in this area students enjoy this reflective approach and appreciate the variety it produces in the overall diet of student assessment. Focusing on reflection/reflexive activity is of course analysis and discussing this up front is part of the process.
Thanks to all of you for your valuable contributions: Sivanathan Sivaruban, Milan B. Vemić, Djaafar Zemali, Thulfiqar Salim Hussein, Usama A Ebead, Fernando Almeida, Janette Young.