When I studied the leguminous plants I was told about a Superfamily which included all the groups with this kind of fruit, the legume. I was told that Mimosaceae, Cesalpiniaceae and Fabaceae were three different families with this common trait, the legume. The main difference between them was the flower: Mimosaceae was supposed to be the most primitive group because its flower and the Fabaceae the most derived one. Now I see this scenario is not supported by molecular studies and APG classification system considers a unique family called Fabaceae. "Cesalpiniaceae" is now considered a paraphyletic group, although in the phylogenetic tree of this new unique family "Fabaceae" you can find that Faboideae and Mimosoideae are true monophyletic groups of species. Could anybody explain or put a reference about how the flower of this family has evolved? Thank you.

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