My research problem is about resource searching in mobile ad-hoc networks. I would like to design a soft computing based resource discovery model for this problem.

I want to draft a GA-like method but am stuck further.

GA way algorithm:

1. randomly guess 100 x and y values (population size is 100)

2. for each generations

3. find fitness y=f(x,y) for each pair of x and y. - you will have 100 y values.

4. take two x,y pairs for which you got highest y values (this is the fitness function here - highest amplitude is the fitness)

5. So, the selected two location may be near to a local maxima or global maxima.

6. using that two x,y pairs, generate another 99 x,y pairs (by keeping one previous best solution)

7. find fitness y=f(x,y) for each pair of x and y.

8. if the maximum y of previous generation is almost equal to present generation, then terminate here else go to step 4 for N generations.

9. At the end of the above N generations or at the terminating condition at 8, the GA will possibly find the global maxima (by randomly jumping here and there and linearly traversing the surface with logic)

(I am stuck up here as i am unable to fit any logical way of finding this y using some x in a GA like manner).

(Further i am unable to express a fitness function with the following design variables).

Note:- At each node, we will only have two information i.e., the neighbor list and neighbor count(number of neighbors). Further at each node, we can also estimate its local parameters such as mobility and remaining battery energy etc., - but a node do not know the mobility and remaining battery energy of other nodes. 

Firstly, i would like to know whether it is feasible & correct to apply GA here -- if the search landscape change within the time-range of the search (i.e., after you started the heuristic but before you decide to stop and consider its result)

If i can apply GA kindly help me to fit a fitness function here.

Kindly give me some suggestions and feedback.

Thanking you in advance.

Your's truly,


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