Presidential Anti-Corruption Department of the Republic of Tatarstan

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Scientific and Research Institute of Anti-Corruption of

Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML)

Non-governmental Organization of the Republic of Tatarstan “Civil Society”

With support of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan

invite to participate in the VII International Scientific Conference

«Anti-corruption Dialectics»

(Kazan, 24th of November 2017)

Suggested subjects for discussion at the Conference:

- Definition, characteristics and forms of corruption in Russia and other countries;

- Definition and forms of ant-corruption in Russia and other countries;

- Anti-corruption planning and anti-corruption programming;

- Anti-corruption prevention and anti-corruption preventive actions;

- Anti-corruption enlightenment and anti-corruption education;

- Anti-corruption worldview and anti-corruption upbringing;

- Anti-corruption propaganda and anti-corruption advertisement;

- Anti-corruption monitoring and measurement of corruption;

- Anti-corruption expertise and anti-corruption audit;

- Anti-corruption standards and anti-corruption regulation;

- Anti-corruption declaration and anti-corruption prohibitions;

- Anti-corruption limitations and anti-corruption obligations;

- Conflict of interests and rules of service behavior;

- Corruption offenses and responsibilities for them;

- Corruption risks and means of their solving;

- Systematization and codification of anti-corruption legislation;

- Organization and implementing of public control in the area of anti-corruption;

- Psychological aspects of corruption and its fighting.

The official languages of the Conference: Russian, Chinese, English.

Participation requests (use the form below) and materials for publication must be submitted via e-mail [email protected] until 6th of November 2017.

At the discretion of the Conference’s participant, either abstracts for conference information package or a scientific article for the federal scientific journal “Actual Problems of Economics and Law” must be sent to the organizing committee for publication. The journal is included to the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications certified by Higher Attestation Commission of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation where main scientific results of dissertations must be published and to the databases Elibrary, UlrichsWeb, DOAJ, EBSCOhost, HeinOnline, CyberLeninka.

The reports are publishing on the basis of peer-reviewing and competitive selection.

Requirements for layout of an abstract:

- volume: no more than 6 pages;

- font: Times New Roman 14 in the RTF format;

- format of the page: A4;

- margins: 2 cm;

- line spacing: 1.5;

- first line indent: 1 cm;

- footnotes: custom with automatic numeration;

- letter spacing: custom.

In the beginning of the text the author writes the last name, first name and second name, title of a scientific degree, academic rank, place of work and position of a reporter, title of a report.

Requirements for layout of an article: volume – no more than 15 pages. Additional rules and requirements are on the journal’s official website:

Travel and accommodation expenses of international participants are covered by home organization. We ask to notify about planning arrival of international participants before the 8th of November 2017.

The Conference format is oriented on conduction full discussion on the most discussing controversial issues of the Conference subject with active participation of moderators including the Q&A Session.

During breaks of the Conference, anti-corruption fair will be organized. It will include scientific and practical editions of Scientific Research Institute of Anti-corruption of Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML) and other organizations. For participation in anti-corruption fair must inform contact people, indicated below, about editions titles and prices in advance.

Exact time and place of the Conference will be advised additionally. Expected time and place of the Conference: 9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m. November 24, 2017 – Assembly Hall of Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML) (Kazan, 15 Zaytsev str.).


phone: +7(843) 2319290

e-mail: [email protected] (Research Department of Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)

Mr. Alexey Dmitriyev, Mr. Sergey Nikitin

Application form for the participation

in the VII International Scientific Conference

«Anti-corruption Dialectics»

1 Full name

2 Workplace (full name of organization, address)

3 Position

4 Scientific degree

5 Academic rank

6 Title of a report

7 Contact phone

8 Contact e-mail

9 Form of participation (full-time, part-time)

10 Dates of hotel booking*

11 Wishes for hotel*

12 Date and time of arrival to Kazan (type of transport, flight №)*

13 Date and time of departure from Kazan (type of transport, flight №)*

*information is provided in case full-time participation

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