Presidential Anti-Corruption Department of the Republic of Tatarstan

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Scientific and Research Institute of Anti-Corruption of

Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)

invite to participate in the VI International Scientific Conference

«Anti-Corruption Dialectics»

(Kazan, 16th of December 2016)

Suggested subjects for discussion at the Conference:

- Corruption as a negative multi-dimensional social phenomenon;

- Arrangement of anti-corruption activities in Russia and foreign countries;

- Disadvantages of anti-corruption legal regulation and possibilities of their amendment;

- Effectiveness criteria of anti-corruption activities;

- Directions, forms, tools, mechanisms and technologies of anti-corruption;

- Anti-corruption forecasting and anti-corruption planning;

- Problems and perspectives of anti-corruption audit and monitoring;

- Problems and perspectives of anti-corruption education and outreach;

- Corruption-related crimes and accountability for them;

- Anti-corruption expert examination as corruption countermeasures;

- State and public control in the field of anti-corruption;

- Economical, psychological, philosophical and other aspects of anti-corruption.

The official languages of the Conference: Russian, Chinese, English.

Participation requests and materials for publication must be submitted via e-mail [email protected] until 18th of November 2016.

Full information letter:

Conference Paper Anti-Corruption Dialectics - 2016

Conference Paper 反腐败发展过程 2016

Conference Paper Диалектика противодействия коррупции - 2016

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