Hi All
I'm interested in generating ROC curves to compare the ability of models containing up to 5 variables to classify patients with and without disease. I've had a quick play with pROC which seems to generate curves for multivariable models when using a formula approach:
e.g.: roc(Outcome~Var1+Var2, data=.....) etc.
However, when asking to calculate the AUC, I get given separate values for each variable rather than a single value for the whole curve. This suggests that I've gone wrong somewhere! Similarly, it does not like using the roc.test function to compare multivariable curves stating:
Error in roc.test.default(roc1, roc2) :
Missing argument predictor2 with predictor1 as a vector.
Again, this suggests that I've upset it somehow!
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?