Dear Colleagues, We are currently conducting a meta-analysis on sex-specific genetic variances of fitness components. Specifically, we aim to test whether additive genetic variances of reproductive success (and other fitness correlates) differ between males and females. Because meta-analyses are often sensitive to publication bias, we are looking for unpublished datasets that quantified genetic variances of both sexes within the same experimental setup or field population. Ideally, the data should include sample size, mean estimate, unstandardized genetic variance, coefficient of variation, and heritability estimates for both sexes. If you have, or know of, such unpublished data sets, we would love to hear about it. Moreover, we would be very grateful if you could point us to published work that provides this type of information but may go unnoticed in database searches applying search terms like ‘genetic variation’, ‘heritability’ and ‘reproductive success’. Please email suggestions or questions to: [email protected] Many, many thanks in advance! Tim Janicke (CEFE-CNRS, Montpellier) with Lennart Winkler (Technische Universitaet Dresden) Maria Moiron (CEFE-CNRS, Montpellier) Ted Morrow (University of Sussex)